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Empowering Students to Pursue Excellence
View our current availability below!
(don't forget to scroll in each section to see the full listing)
Openings may not accurately reflect the exact availability, especially in classes with only 1 opening. If you are interested in enrolling in one of the following classes, please email us for information regarding a free trial. We require the student waiver to be signed a minimum of 48hrs prior to the class you are hoping to attend and you must receive email confirmation before attending. In order to secure a spot as a trial, we will need you to email us at and sign the student waiver provided below.
Parent&Me Class Availability
4-5yr old Class Availability
6-7yr old Class Availability
8-10yr old Class Availability
11-13yr Middle School Class Availability
High School Class Availability
NinjAcademy Team Classes (Invite Only)
Adult Ninja Class Availability
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